
Get to know your government

"Government closest to the people."

… many times that is how local government is described. Council for the Township of Hilton wants to ensure its ratepayers that is the type of governance it offers.   

Council meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office at 2983 Base Line, Hilton Beach, Ontario, P0R 1G0.  All meetings are open to the public. Anyone who wishes to address Council should contact the Clerk ( one week prior to the scheduled meeting date so that the matter can be added to the Agenda. Alternatively, an individual may contact any council member directly.

According to the Municipal Act, Council’s role is:

Reeve Rod Wood
(705) 246-1810

Councillor Janet Gordanier
(519) 940-6177

Councillor Mike Trainor
(249) 525-8575

Councillor David Leask
(705) 246-1059

Councillor Mike Garside
(705) 246-1398